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Meet the Board




Occupation: Treasurer & Chief Risk Officer, TVA

Education: BA (Economics & Finance) and MBA

Family: Married to my wife Lesley since 2004 and we have two children Andrew (15) and Emily (13)

Connection with autism: My connection to autism is through several friends who have children on the spectrum.  I have had the opportunity to learn through their experience.

Favorite Quote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  - Mark Twain

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Vice President

Occupation: Certified Public Accountant at LBMC, PC

Education: Master of Accountancy from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Family: Married. My wife and I have two wonderful dogs.

Connection with autism: I have a nephew with autism.

Favorite quote: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."




Occupation: Director of Government Relations, TN Charter School Center

Education: B.S. Social Sciences Education, Auburn University; M.A. Communication, Johns Hopkins University

Family: One small dachshund, Bertie
Connection with autism: I grew up with a mother who taught special education classes and is now a school psychologist, and my dear friend serves as a behavior therapist. Both have shown me the remarkable qualities members of the autism community possess, as well as the challenges members of this community can face.

Favorite Quote: "O, let America be America again-- The land that never has been yet-- And yet must be-- the land where every man is free." - Langston Hughes




Occupation: Accountant, Henderson, Hutcherson & McCullough

Education: B.S. Business: Accounting from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Family: I have been married to my wife, Kelsey, since 2012 and we have three kids, Blake, Cayden, and Katie.

Connection with autism:  I have a cousin with Aspergers. Seeing everything that my aunt and he have gone through has really opened my eyes to the struggle that it can be finding the right support system. I think what the CAC does is great and my hope is to help folks find their support system.

Favorite quote:  Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”

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Board Member

Occupation: School and community volunteer

Education: BA from Kansas University

Family: Married to Stuart Benkert, and we have two children in high school.
Connection with autism: Our younger child was diagnosed with autism at age 2 1/2, and our older child recently received an autism diagnosis.

Favorite Quote: “People aren’t broken. They’re just interestingly wired.”

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Board Member

Occupation: Educator

Education: Master Degree in Education

Family: Three children, two on the spectrum 

Connection with autism: I am autistic; it is my world. I am a mother, aunt, teacher, and friend of individuals on the spectrum. 

Favorite Quote: "The highest result of education is tolerance" Helen Keller



Board Member

Occupation: Educator

Education: Bachelor of Science in Education

Family:  I have three adult children.

Connection with autism: Exceptional education teacher and close friend on the spectrum.

Favorite Quote: “Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.” Buddha 

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Board Member

Occupation: Vice President at TVA

Education: BS Computer Engineering and MBA

Family: One child, age 12

Connection with autism: My son is on the spectrum. 

Favorite Quote: Favorite quote: “Everyone wants to be great, until it’s time to do what greatness requires.”



Board Member

Occupation: Sr. Customer Success Manager @ Glassdoor

Education: Chattanooga State College

Family: Married to my wife, Stephanie, since 2018

Connection with autism: Multiple family members

Favorite quote: "To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes, might be the biggest mistake of them all." - Unknown

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Board Member

Occupation:  Supervisor of Assessment Services at Hamilton County



Connection with autism:  

Favorite Quote: 



Board Member

Occupation: Retired from BlueCross BlueShield, past president of CAC board.

Education: MA in English

Family: Married to Dale, 3 daughters, 7 grandchildren.

Connection with autism: One of our grandsons is on the spectrum; I am impressed how the CAC has vast resources to support the autistic individual as well as family and caregivers.

Favorite quote: Enjoy the little things. Make a positive difference everyday. -Susan Lamberth



Board Member

Occupation:  Manager of Health Promotions, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee

Education: B.S. Human Ecology, The University of Tennessee 

Family: A amazing wife and a wonderful son

Connection with autism: My son, Austin, is on the spectrum; diagnosed at age 3.

Favorite Quote: "Diversity is having a seat at the table. Inclusion is having a voice. And Belonging is having that voice be heard" – Liz Fosslien



Board Member

Occupation: Retired, Previously small business owner.

Education: Studied at Louisiana State University and University of Missouri.

Family: Married. Four grown children and four grandchildren

Connection with autism: Granddaughter with autism.

Favorite quote: Life by the inch is a cinch.  By the yard is hard.

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Board Member

Occupation: Professor of Psychology at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Education:  Ph.D. In Experimental Psychology from the Georgia Institute of Technology

Family:  Husband Randy Cagle and son Andrew (Drew) Cagle and our two very large and very loving rescue dogs Sutter and Emmett

Connection with autism: My son Drew is on the spectrum; through him I have learned and grown so much and met so many wonderful people. 

Favorite quote:  “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” –Yogi Berra 



The Chattanooga Autism Center's board members are strong advocates for the organization. They are responsible for ensuring the organization's mission and longterm success. Click here to view a list of board member responsibilities. If you are interested in serving, contact Mary Robertson.Click here to view an application.  If you are interested, please click on the link to open a fillable application form.  Once complete, please save the document and email to:

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