Autism Center
Get Involved
Immediate needs:
1) Newsletter Coordinator (requires 6 month commitment)
Duties: Receive emails from event coordinators that contain event announcements. Update online newsletter with the new events, announcements, and a 'resource spotlight'. You do not have to rewrite entire newsletter very time. You can delete the [ast events and add new events. Must finish newsletter by Monday. Dave or Amber will review and send newsletter every Tuesday.
2) Answer phone/emails from the community (requires 1/year commitment, at least one half day per week.)
Duties: Receive training on how to listen and respond to parents, caregivers, autistic adults, medical staff, and other people in the community. We will teach you active listening skills and teach you how to figure out what services or supports the caller/emailer needs. We will teach you about what services are available in our region, and give you content you can use to reply with the right details for each person. We require a 1 year commitment because the training often takes at least 3 months.
If you have questions about our volunteer opportunities, contact Dave Buck at 423-531-6961 opt 4, or send an email to info@chattanoogaautismcenter.org.
The Chattanooga Autism Center is a parent and advocate driven organization. Almost all of our programs are developed and run by volunteers. Volunteers are critical for us to fulfill our mission and all of the people who you help serve appreciate your time and effort. We are always in need of volunteers to make the center run more efficiently. Click here to access our online volunteer form where you can submit your information and how you would like to volunteer.