Autism Center
National Resources & Online Materials
Below are links to autism-related materials and videos that can teach you about different aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorders, If you know of other materials and videos links we should add to this page, contact us at 423-531-6961, option 0 or email amber@chattanoogaautismcenter.org
​​​Parent Guide for Individual Education Program (IEP): Summary, process, and practical tips.
School not letting you observe your child in class? All you want to do is learn about his/her setting so you can be a better advocate and help prepare an effective IEP? Here’s an article that provides information and arguments for your right to observe your child and how it is not against privacy laws protecting records or ‘identifiable information.'​
Understood for Learning & Attention Issues: Parents want the best for their children. We do, too. For the first time ever, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support.
Autism Blogs, Magazines & Websites
Organization for Autism Research Guide for Military Families
Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping
Brochures and Guidebooks from Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center offers different tip sheets and resources for a variety of topics. Tip sheets are one-page with free downloads available. Some different topics included are information about specific disabilities, education support, employment, professional and research supports, religion and spiritually, self-advocate/family/sibling support, and video tip sheets. The tip sheets promote (directly or indirectly) the values of independence, self-determination, community integration, and inclusion as best practice.
Click here for the website.
Click here to read 10 easy to implement solutions to help public schools be more autism friendly.
Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism - Temple Grandin, PhD​
Below are links to videos geared towards educators but also useful to teach ANYONE about what it means to have ASD and what life is like. You will be glad you watched these!!
Our clinicians highly recommend The Incredible 5 Point Scale for use in teaching emotional self-regulation to children with autism. Please click the link below for more information:​
Pepperdine University has written an article about how to improve emotional self-regulation among children with autism and attention disorder. Please click on the link below:​
Videos and PowerPoints for employers of individuals with autism to utilize in the work place including: tips on interviews, inclusion and accommodation, confidentiality rules and training videos.
ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC)
The ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) is a collaborative whose supporters share the goal of accelerating the design and availability of ABLE accounts for the benefit of individuals with disabilities and their families. They bring together the investment, support, and resources of the country's largest and most influential national disability organizations. On their website, you will find loads of helpful information, including free webinars. Click here for their Facebook group page.
Autism & First Response Awareness Training
Florida-based Autism training & resources for law enforcement, emergency first responders, parents, educators, care providers & the autism community. Website contains a public service announcement video and links to several training videos.
CIT Officers and Co-Responders
Crisis Intervention Team is a local organization with the mission to promote safe, effective, and compassionate responses to people experiencing mental health, substance use, or cognitive crisis. They train law enforcement and other first responders on how to de-escalate a crisis.
If you have an individual in crisis who has a developmental disability or mental health diagnosis, you should request a CIT trained officer respond to your crisis call, or ask for a mental health "co-responder".
SNAP - Special Needs Awareness Program
Regional training for police officers, fire fighters, and emergency medical services on how to respond with support and dignity when they encounter an opportunity to serve someone living with a disability.
SNAP Coordinator: Captain Skyler Phillips, Chattanooga Fire Department
Phone: 423 -643-7121
Email: skyler.phillips@lifelinefamilies.org
Website: https://lifelinefamilies.org/snap-special-needs-awareness-training/snap-first-responder-training/
GA Autism Insurance Reform Quick Notes by the Marcus Center
Social Security and Disability Resource Center is an informational website that provides answers to questions about (1) how to apply for disability, (2) how to appeal a claim in the event of a denial, (3) how to navigate the federal system, and (4) how to avoid certain mistakes that are commonly made by applicants. The site’s author is a former disability examiner for the social security administration. Information specific to Autism: http://www.ssdrc.com/ssd-autism.html
DIDD – Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities of Tennessee
Katie Beckett Waiver/ TEFRA Option. Federal Medicaid law requires states to cover certain groups and services. It also allows states to apply for a waiver, which gives states the option to extend coverage to additional groups of people or provide extra services. The Tennessee Justice Center has a great webpage with information about Waiver issues, options and how new Waiver legislation could affect families who have kids with autism. It’s a great way to begin educating yourself on this important topic. And, to follow this issue and participate in action, see this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/optionsforTN
Planning for College. In addition to campus support, students with disabilities are protected under federal, state and local laws, which prohibit discrimination and ensure equal access to the same quality and level of education. This website offers a brief list of links to web applications and software programs that aid students with various disabilities. It is also provides an overview of the legal rights of students with disabilities, as well as advice and next steps when considering which college to attend.
​Hamilton County Department of Education Inclusion Project: Three-Year Plan
Concerned about your teens socialization skills? Check out this article: https://expertbeacon.com/help-teens-autism-spectrum-navigate-social-relations​
Interested in learning more ways to keep your children safe? Check out Important Safety Rules to Teach your Children
​Forlin, C., Chambers, D., Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., & Sharma, U. (2016). Inclusive Education for Students with
Disability: A Review of the Best Evidence in Relation to Theory and Practice. The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY). http://alana.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/A_Summary_of_the_evidence_on_inclusive_education.pdf
Parent Resources/Articles​
Are your children experiencing meltdowns? Here's an article that can help, https://www.healthline.com/health/autism/what-to-do-autism-meltdown
KultureCity's lifeBOKS Program: 50% of autistic individuals wander or bolt from safety. This can put them at risk of trauma, injury or even death. 62% of families of these individuals were prevented from attending / enjoying activities outside the home due to fear of wandering thus decreasing their accessibility to the community. LifeBOKS safety program offers families free safety kits to reduce the risk of elopement.
National Autism Association Big Red Safety Box: The National Autism Association is committed to those with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who may be prone to wandering off or eloping from a safe environment, and may be unable to recognize danger and/or stay safe. Wandering, elopement, “running” or fleeing behaviors among those within our community not only present unique safety risks, but also create extraordinary worry and stress among caregivers. Drowning fatalities following wandering incidents remain a leading cause of death among those with ASD. As such, the National Autism Association provides direct assistance to caregivers, educators and first responders. The Big Red Safety Box is a free-of-charge toolkit given to autism families in need as a means to educate, raise awareness and provide simple tools that may assist them in preventing, and responding to, wandering-related emergencies. ​
Click here for a video of descriptions and demonstration of Sensory Processing Disorder from a child’s point of view.
"Autism and dental care: Tips for parents"
Article: https://www.emergencydentistsusa.com/autism-and-dental-care/